The MEDIARE Institute presents a new course with an approach to the technique of designing dispute resolution systems (DSD) for the construction of systems for the prevention, management and resolution of disputes. ⁣

The course proposes the use of a new systemic lens to substantially expand the capacity of the executive or operator of the right to create and implement adequate strategies for the resolution of disputes.
There will be 4 weekly online meetings on dates: March 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2021, from 18 pm to 21 pm.

Andrea Navarro is a negotiator and mediator in business disputes, graduated in Law from FGV SP, with a specialization from the University of Berkeley and currently studying for a master's degree in Dispute Resolution at the University of Pepperdine. In 2019, she became a partner at Alario Navarro Soluções por Agreement, a company exclusively focused on extrajudicial resolution of business disputes that works, among other fronts, with the design of dispute systems for large companies.

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