All service provision includes a prior evaluative interview, for mapping demand and designing customized actions.

Customized service for executives who are at the forefront of dialogues related to Governance and those related to new agendas, working in difficult negotiations, managing changes in function and/or procedures, leading decision-making processes or, still, aiming for personal improvement in soft skills– self-awareness, interpersonal communication skills, negotiation and reconciliation of differences, conflict management, decision-making by consensus, collegial or not.

The Facilitation of Dialogues uses Mediation resources, dedicating itself to operational, patrimonial and administrative-financial issues (objective agenda), as well as relational themes (subjective agenda) that cross corporate issues and those of family businesses.

Equally relevant, the improvement of soft skills for partners and members of family businesses, especially those involved in succession processes, considering their concomitant transit through management, family and property scenarios, and eventually focusing on the specificities of succession.

The Administrative, Advisory and Family Boards are dynamic bodies composed of different mindsets, which sometimes harbor non-converging interests.

Continued coexistence favors repetitive patterns of behavior – group pathologies – which can negatively impact opinions and purposes, disadvantaging the mix of ideas, which is always more complex and more comprehensive.

These collegial counseling and decision-making scenarios can have their fluidity and purposes better served when they have the facilitation of an impartial and independent third party in coordinating the agenda of certain meetings.

Acting as a third party, impartial and independent, in potential disagreement (preventive nature) or in conflict already installed - judicialized, arbitrated (mediation window), or not. Mediation (Law 13.140/15) gives the agreement the value of an extrajudicial enforceable title and enables speed, a customized solution by maintaining decision-making power with those involved, lower emotional and financial cost, as well as preserving the social and contractual relationship. Solo activity or in comedy (duo of mediators), with a mediator chosen by those involved or by me.

Teaching activities for companies and organizations that aim to train dialogue facilitators/mediators, or improve socio-emotional skills (soft skills) in their leadership – C-Levels and other Executives, or in their stakeholders internal, with a view to dealing with everyday issues internal corporis or with the interlocutions that involve stakeholders external – interpersonal communication, negotiation and harmonization of differences, collegial or non-collegiate decision-making, conflict management, cross-cultural changes and adaptations, inclusion and management of new agendas, consensus building.

Structured methodology for dialogues that involve multiple parties and different interests, sometimes apparently irreconcilable – any kind of dialogue involving communities in their internal issues or in interface issues with companies or public bodies. These are dialogues that take place between the representatives of those involved and that require facilitation between them and, also, between them and their representatives.