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O Serra Geral de Santa Catarina Ecological Corridor Project – CESG – SC  is a pioneering idea in the State and its purpose is to create an area of Nature Production that serves as an example of the call Reparative Economy, through a self-sustainable socio-environmental biodiversity corridor.

A partnership initially formed by rural producers, companies, universities, state and municipal governments and governmental and non-governmental bodies, governed by a letter of principles signed on 31.01.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX, in line with what advocates the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration promoted by the Organization of the United Nations – UN, articulates ideas and actions that range from protecting water sources to environmental education in schools. Ten municipalities that are part of CESG – SC propose a synergistic action that takes care of both economic development and research into local flora and fauna, as well as environmental preservation.

State Decree 2.367/2022, published in the Official Gazette on December 22, 2022, extended the CESG – SC for 1.519 km, including 46 municipalities and establishing the Caminho das Nascentes Ecological Corridor, aimed at conserving biodiversity and recovering degraded areas.

MEDIARE was invited by Reserva Araponga to participate in CESG – SC and readily accepted the partnership, driven by its interest in Socio-Environmental Projects and offering its expertise in Dialogue Processes. The Araponga Reserve took the initiative to promote the Ecological Corridor to serve as a pilot and encourage other initiatives.

CESG – SC is a typical Project that involves multiple parties and, naturally, multiple interests, which requires dialogue to become viable and lasting over time. MEDIARE is a voluntary partner in the Project, and remains available, full time, to map, design and facilitate dialogue between all its members, aiming to contribute to its sustainability.